H5N9 Bird Flu Outbreak
An international agency said, a new strain of bird flue has been confirmed at poultry farm in California united states . By a report (WOAH) world organization of animal health ,they said (H5N9) ‘ HIGHLY PATHOGENIC AVAIN INFLUENZA’ had been confirmed in a DUCK in US.
New Strain Of Bird Flu Confirmed In US
This is the first case of HPAI H5N9 in USA. Which monitor animal cases in whole world . They said the outbreak origin was unidentified has been confirmed on JAN 13 and all farms had been culled . (HPAI) which also called as bird flu has spread globally in recently years it also spread in different animals species and killed them .
H5N1 strain of bird flu, which is now spread everywhere in USA . (UAHO) US animal health officials were now conduction investigations and increased surveys to breakout ,the WOAH said.
The presidents of USA DONALD TRUMP has decided to withdraw the country from (WHO) world health organization after the emergency of new strain of bird flu comes in USA.
the medical team announce that they suddenly set the back to back investigation and trying to stop the virus as well as global threats , it also comes with health monitoring outbreaks in US .
USA is the one largest country of the world which coordinates the worldwide health emergencies. US health experts have been sounding about pandemic threat to humans by bird flu signs to mutating humans and effects on people in USA.
Without the help Of USA , WHO will not able to detect viruses in the world. The US (CDCP) center for disease control and prevention said, Sixty Seven People have been contracted with bird flu some of died in Jan early .
The main reason of bird flu were caused by direct exposure of sick bird And (WHO) has confirmed that no human to human transmission has been reported In US . But scientists fear about it, if a person becomes infected with bird flu , the virus could mutate into a strain that is very dangerous for humans.